Engineering touches all aspects of civilization. Great works of humankind, from the construction of the pyramids to the creation of the smart technology, are phenomena of engineering. Engineering is growing discipline that resuscitates itself to explore and create solutions to new engineering problems. Progress in engineering is determined by the application of varied fields of people understanding and subject to periods of rapid enlightenment brought about by advances in engineering technology. Thus, while strategic planning is important for any institution, it is critical for college of engineering where its role is two-fold: leadership in creating revolutionary technological advances through scientific and applied discovery; and education of students who will have a significant positive impact as per the societal needs. The process of strategic planning in an academic environment is unique, in part because the inputs and especially the outputs of the academic effort and the value that they add are often not readily quantifiable. How do we gauge the value added to society if a college of engineering, king Khalid university graduate becomes a teacher who inspires generations of students? We have tried to include intangibles in the process, tempering the value that scientists and engineers traditionally assign to metrics and balancing it with a healthy respect for elusive but very real qualities such as collegiality, integrity, and leadership.
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